left: Yale Article Submission form;
middle: Article browser, Content Admin menu;
right: Garrison Reservation form
We start with a Content Management System –– Joomla –– and integrate sophisticated tools to achieve the list of deliverables. We have over ten years experience building and customizing CMS systems, and we know what tools are best-of-breed, which are mature and secure, and how they fit together.
Reservations systems for complex schedules. Private member groups for professional educators and scientists. Regional and departmental user groups who need to share files, critical information, and expertise. Annual membership payments, donations, and online stores. Extranets run by members, with private blogging and ongoing curriculum tools. Embedded data-driven Flash tools for trading in commodities markets, building custom wedding stationery, or tracking pledges –– all integrated into Joomla User management. Lightbox-driven trip itineraries. Customized video and audio players. Social media-savvy membership sites with practical applications. Forums, Wikis, and listservs.
And we use simple to use, powerful project management software. We track everything, to the minute.
If you need a web site that meets the challenges of online community membership, for an audience who need to interact effectively, and use information in intuitive and easy-to-understand interfaces, give us a try. Send us your RFP or specifications list. We'll write a competitive proposal, help you plan and implement, and get you launched with the structure and tools you've always dreamed of.